Fresh Akami Sashimi (Bluefin Tuna / Hon Maguro)

Fresh Akami Sashimi (Bluefin Tuna / Hon Maguro)

Regular price $30.19

Fresh Akami Sashimi (Bluefin Tuna)

When Japanese locals have the option between Akami (Bluefin Tuna) and ordinary Maguro Tuna (Yellowfin Tuna), they’re more likely to choose the first for its unique taste and umami.

Yellowfin (Maguro) Tuna, though wonderful, does not have the same powerful impact on the palette as Bluefin Tuna Akami.

Akami is a lean cut of meat from the Bluefin Tuna. The signature deep red loins are lean and firm and characterized as having minimal fat for a tender texture.

This combination allows diners to experience fish as it should be with the most robust flavors the fish is known for in the forefront of the taste.

It also features rich minerals, including iron, which is very important to overall health.

If your goal is to experience authentic Japanese sashimi culture, our fresh Akami Sashimi would be the cut and flavor we recommend first.

Not All Tuna Can Be Called Akami

Akami—known as Hon Maguro or Bluefin Tuna—and Tuna—known as Maguro or Yellowfin Tuna— are always spoken of as different in professional spheres.

They are held in different classes because the texture and taste are drastically different between the two. Akami is considered to be of a higher grade than Tuna Sashimi.

Akami is a more acceptable and approachable fish for the beginners who are looking to try premium Sashimi than Toro, or Fatty Bluefin Tuna.

Akami is an excellent option for premium taste and quality. When starting out, it’s best to set oneself up for success, and using Akami is the best way to do that.

Some Common Misconceptions Akami Faces

High quality, fresh Akami is not inexpensive and is often considered a luxury.

For a piece of meat to qualify as Bluefin Tuna, the ratios of Akami, Chutoro, and Otoro should be almost identical.

After doing much local research, we found high quality Akami to be virtually unavailable on Singapore’s Online Market.

The options available for those looking for Akami of any kind will only be low quality frozen blocks, which are bland in flavor and thin in texture.

Not only do we want to solve this problem and fill a void in the local market, we are looking to promote and educate our community in Singapore about the underrated delicacy that is Akami.

When a cut of meat or fish is not known or readily available in an area, it can be impossible for a the public at large to become familiar with it, which is why we offer Akami to Singapore that is fresh and high quality.


By ordering online, we make it easy for you to ensure the creation of a high end, restaurant quality gastronomic experience with the unique flavors of fresh Bluefin Akami Sashimi, which you’ll want to relive over and over.


Do you accept pre-order?

Ordering in advance and specifying a delivery date is encouraged to serve you better. We accept orders in advance for up to 14 Days.

How many slices will I get?

Every 200G of Akami Sashimi will contain 10-11 pieces of Standard Sashimi Cut. Please note that the number of cuts may vary depending on the actual situation. But the net weight is guaranteed to exceed.

What complimentary you provide?

To bring out the fresh flavor of the Sashimi and balance the fishy fishiness just right, we serve our Sashimi with the following for free:

1. Fresh Wasabi
2. Homemade Sashimi Shoyu (Restaurant Recipe)
3. Ooba, Kogiku, Hana Ho & Sliced ​​Daikon Radish (All Fresh)

Do you offer free delivery?

We offer free delivery on order(s) over $100.

For order(s) below $100, we will charge $12 delivery fee for delivery. 

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